Fabian De Soto , The Paisano
Business Auxiliary Services (BAS) reviews parking ticket appeals thoroughly before making a decision, according to Lauren Beaver, a communications coordinator for BAS.
Chris Weinstein, a junior pre-nursing major, explained that he was late for an exam when he made the mistake of parking in the Faculty B Lot.
“When I tried to appeal my parking ticket, I wrote an honest and heartfelt apology for parking in Faculty B, and my appeal got denied. They let me know within a week that my appeal (was rejected) and I had to pay $50,” Weinstein said.
Last semester, Jennifer Lauren Garcia-Valdez, a senior sociology major, faced a situation similar to Weinstein’s. Garcia-Valdez had a Tobin Garage parking permit, which costs $805 and allows students to park in the Tobin and DTC garages as well as commuter surface lots, and thought that she could also park in the commuter lots.
“I figured since I had paid all that money for the Tobin Garage parking lot pass that I would be good to park in the commuter lot as well, but I got a ticket.” Garcia-Valdez said.
When Garcia-Valdez tried to appeal the ticket, the appeal was denied.
Senior multidisciplinary studies major, Alejandra Avelar however, received a different outcome with her parking ticket appeal.
Avelar said that she forgot her parking permit one day and received a ticket. “I had to appeal, so I wouldn’t get the ticket,” Avelar said.
Avelar sent a picture of her parking permit with her appeal, and BAS waived the fee.
Beaver said that BAS makes decisions about appeals on a case-by-case basis.
“BAS reviews the citation information, the appeal submitted by the customer, any additional information provided (such as photos or attachments) and the University’s Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations relevant to the citation in question. If needed, we request additional information from the appellant. Once all information is thoroughly reviewed, BAS renders a decision appropriate to the individual’s appeal and citation,” said Beaver.
When considering an appeal, BAS can change the ticket to a warning, waive the fine, reduce the fine or deny the appeal all together.
Customers can file an appeal within 14 days of the day the ticket was issued and can even file an appeal online through the BAS website.
“Customers should have their citation information available, along with a justification for the appeal and any additional information they wish to include,” Beaver said.
Once submitted, BAS has 15 days to deliver a decision.
Customers who disagree with the appeal decision can file a second appeal that is reviewed by a board made up of students, faculty and staff. The letters customers receive for the first appeal contain directions for filing a second appeal.
Beaver said, “The appeals process provides an objective review of the citation in question, as well as providing BAS an opportunity to evaluate our internal processes and the University’s Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations to ensure we best serve the campus community.