Photo Credit: Andrew Salinas/@AK_4hoto7
Hello readers! Well, sadly *I’m literally typing this while I cry* this is going to be my last blog post…for the Paisano! I am still deciding whether or not to continue with Dear AJ, so please stay in tune.
In the meantime, *turns on depressing music* this is it. My big bang, my last time to get it right speech. So what do I talk about? Well, I’ve thought about this for a bit and as cliché as it sounds I would like to talk about what I learned (aside from Shakespeare and the usage of the oxford comma) in college.
So please pay careful attention. I don’t just give out advice for free (I’m kidding). But on the real, I think talking about my experience might help someone who’s going through the same things I went through, learn from my mistakes.
Here we go:
Invest in an alarm clock or set recurring alarms on your phone. I can not tell you how many times I accidentally skipped class or work because I didn’t have an alarm set. I overslept and missed an exam for Biology that I felt confident for, and earned a 0.
Find people for your corner, people who actually care about you. I thought I found the best friend group in the world my freshman year and it wasn’t even a semester later when I got ditched. My heart broke. But eventually I found the people I today call my best friends and I can not thank them enough for everything they do for me (ya’ll know who y’all are.)
Enjoy the little things. Take advantage of the free events that go on throughout campus. Go watch a free movie at the Student Union (UC back in my day,) roll out a blanket and relax on the lawn in the Sombrilla, etc.
Make an effort to cook for yourself. I am guilty of eating out and at places on campus. Trust me that the freshman fifteen is real y’all. Still experiencing it!
Set a goal of not skipping classes, or skip at least 1. As much as it sucks to get out of your comfy bed in the morning and go listen to a lecture about how primates mate, GO. You are paying to go here, might as well gather as much information as you can.
Go out and get involved. Join organizations! Join frats! Join SOSA, anything. Literally anything. Do something you are passionate about. I’ve met so many people through joining HSA and THE PAISANO (COME JOIN US PLS.) It’s crazy because I’m constantly saying hi to people as I walk through campus. My friends always ask how I know so many people.
Don’t overload yourself by pulling an all nighter. Your body needs to rest. Eventually, if you aren’t sleeping enough, it catches up. Next thing you know, you’re going to bed at 4 am and missing your 10 am class, then waking up at 2 pm, missing your entire day.
C’s get degrees. All joking aside, we can’t be perfect with the grades we make for classes. We already do too much. Some of us work, are very involved in clubs, etc., we can’t be expected to perform perfectly all the time. Learn from your mistakes. Make the time to study or write that paper, but don’t beat yourself over one grade.
It’s okay to change your major. Find something you love to do. I thought I wanted to be a doctor but was miserable through the process. I thought changing my major wouldn’t be the best thing for me, but in the end I decided what was going to make me happy. And I am.
USE PROTECTION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. It’s okay to do your own thing, just be safe please. Use anything and everything.
Never go to a party alone. Always bring someone you know. It’s 2019 but people are still getting drugged and being sexually assaulted. If you’re accompanying someone and they’ve had a little too much to drink, protect them at all costs, never leave them alone.
Protest! Fight for you what you believe in, college is the perfect time to really find out what you stand for and what you are against.
Respect the diversity. What I mean by this is learn to be respectful of other people and what they believe in. Yes, you are going to encounter people with different beliefs and political affiliations. Some people are open to learning and having a conversation while some people are stubborn that what they believe in is the right thing. You are going to meet all sorts of people. Be peaceful and stay objective.
Lastly, enjoy college. You only do your undergraduate once. Might as well make the most of the experience. You’re here one moment and gone the next; it’s up to you how you use this time. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was walking to Laurel Village for orientation; now you’ll see me walking that stage getting my diploma.
Catch your boy cross the stage on May 18th at 10 a.m. at the Alamodome. Be there or be square.
Peace out,