Julia Maenius
Riley Grunberg loads up for a pitch during a game last season. Grunberg has enjoyed a blazing fast start to the season, hitting .500 with 9 RBIs and 2 HRs.
The UTSA Roadrunner Softball team’s season is in full swing, with the UTSA Classic just finishing up and the Cowgirl Classic II about to start up. The Roadrunners are currently 4-2 after the UTSA Classic, where they went 2-2 versus teams such as Kansas, UT Arlington and Texas A&M-Corpus Christi.
In the first game against Kansas, UTSA was able to take the win in a slow-paced game that opened up in the fourth inning. In the fourth, Kansas hit a solo home run, only to be met with UTSA’s Brittany Coe hitting one of her own, this one a two-run homer which also scored Kindell Brook. UTSA didn’t let up on the pressure, and in the fifth inning, Madison Washington hit a homer to right field, which allowed Reily Grunberg and Celeste Loughman to round the bases as well. With UTSA out to a 5-1 lead Kansas found two more runs of their own, but it wasn’t enough ending the game 5-3 UTSA.
UTSA’s next game took on the Mavericks from UT Arlington in a game that showed how quickly UTSA could score when they get on a roll. In the second inning, the Mavericks scored off of a solo home run, putting them up 0-1. However, UTSA didn’t wait long to strike back with five runs in the third, with home runs from Brooks and Lauren Coerver, which allowed Washington, Sydney Blakeman, and Julia Bumford to score. With the score being 5-1, UTSA added a few more runs on the board with Grungburg hitting a left field ball, allowing Kat Ibarra to come around and score, only to be followed by Brooks hitting a three-run home run which scored Grunberg and Taylor Medina. With the score sitting at 9-1, the game would end in the 5th inning as a UTSA win.
In the next couple of the Roadrunner’s games, they were less fortunate with the hits they were able to get off. In the second game against Kansas, the score ended in a 2-5 loss for UTSA, with the only hit in the game for UTSA coming from Washington, who hit a two-run home run which allowed Medina to come in and score as well. In the final match of the UTSA Classic against A&M-Corpus Christi, UTSA again suffered a 1-2 loss, with the only UTSA run coming via a home run from Grunberg. With such a hot start to the tournament, UTSA was unable to finish strong, leaving them at 2-2 in the UTSA Classic.
The next few matches for the ‘Runners will come in the Cowgirl Classic II that will be against Texas Southern and Mcneese State that will take place at Lake Charles, LA. These games will be on Mar. 5 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. and Mar. 6 at 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.