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Cook. Eat. Write. Repeat: Ube Crinkle Cookie By Karabella Montalbo
October 28, 2024
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About the Contributors

Regan Williams, Multimedia Editor
Regan (she/her) is a first-year Film student at UTSA. She is from the Houston area, specifically Sugar Land. When not writing for the Paisano you will most likely find her thrifting, trying new coffee shops, and baking. This is her first semester at the Paisano

Samantha Ysaguirre, Multimedia Editor
Hi, I am Samantha Ysaguirre. I am obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Art with a specialization in drawing and a minor in Art History. I am a Senior at the University of Texas at San Antonio and have written for the Paisano for two years, exploring Art, poetry, and videography. A few interests outside the two involve reading and practicing contemporary dance.