Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

    Burger Records Hangover Festival IV


    Time to pull out that jean jacket and call your mother to sew on that patch you bought at the record store months ago: Burger Hangover Festival is back for it’s fourth go- around in San Antonio on March 20.

    Burger Records, the California label that is home to one of the largest rosters of garage and weirdo rock, is teaming up with local promoter Fuzzland to provide the Alamo city with some of it’s best bands, as well as a couple of hometown heroes.

    To prepare for this “hangover,” we talked to Nicholas Ivarra, drummer for San Antonio band The Rich Hands and local promoter for Burger Hangover festival, to better understand the festival and how to survive it.

    Q: Where does the name ‘Burger Records’ come from, and how did it catch on into something as big as having its own festival?

    NI: I’m not too sure where the name originated from. That would be an excellent question for our buds at Burger Records, but I can tell you how we started something like this in San Antonio.

    Before I go on, they do many festivals throughout the year at random cities! We’re just lucky to be able to have one in our city.

    In short, my band, The Rich Hands, are associated with the guys from Burger Records. They’ve released both of our records on cassette and have supported us since the beginning.

    We built a relationship years back when we were on tour and played their record shop. Sean, co-owner of Burger Records, and I decided to put something together the last day of SXSW here in San Antonio.

    It makes sense to bring bands an hour down to play our city so we decided to do so.

    Q: For those that don’t know, Burger Records is based out of Fullerton, California. Why bring the label’s festival here to San Antonio?

    NI: Mainly to bring bands to San Antonio.

    Like I stated, we’re a part of the Burger family and love these dudes, so why wouldn’t we want to bring everything they do here?

    Everything they do is unique and fun. There’s no horse play to them. They’re some of the nicest most sincere beings we know.

    On top of that, they’re helping out so may artists. I love everything they stand by.ShannonAndTheClams1

    Q: Burger Records is also one of the pioneers of the cassette tape revival, which kind of has a basis in the DIY/garage-rock ethos that the label is known for putting out. Is there a sort of mindset or archetype going into how the label signs artists or how the label wants people to see them?

    NI: I don’t think so.

    These guys do what they want when they want. Nothing holds them back and nothing can hold them back. They have a vision to put out everything they like so why not?

    They are true pioneers. Nothing but love and respect for what they do.

    Q: The line-up this year looks more stacked than ever before: skate-punk legends The Spits, rising power-punk bands like Bleached and White Lung, and even SA local mainstays like The Rich Hands and The Bolos. Do the artists come to you guys or vice versa, or is it all one big lucky thing?

    NI: All of the above.

    White Lung - Photo Credit Rick Rodney - RRP_0333 copy - 300 dpiMy partner, Rosita (who plays in The Bolos), and I have a huge appreciation for music. We really love music and want to share that same passion to everyone.

    In short, it’s a mix of it all. Since this is our fourth fest we’ve built up a name for ourselves. Bands want to come down and play here!

    It is also us going out there and searching for bands we want. The whole thing about this fest is to bring as many bands as possible to San Antonio and have a good time.

    Q: For newcomers to the Hangover Fest, what’s the perfect hangover cure?

    NI: Rock N Roll. Specifically on March 20, 2016. And tacos.


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