In a time when many people are learning to do much more with less, there is a shining beacon of hope. Here at UTSA, Career Services has been fortunate, considering the economic situation and lack of jobs available for graduates.
While many other universities have had to cut their spending budget and cut their staffs in order to stay in service, UTSA Career Services has been able to keep a constant budget and has had the opportunity of hiring more staff only to help students in guiding their career paths.
Career Services has been successful in managing their budget.
“Because we are funded by student fees and the school keeps expanding, we don’t have to worry about cutting our budget. We are very fortunate unlike many other universities,” Audrey J. Magnusson, assistant director of Careers Services said.
In fact, a survey in 2009 from the National Association of Colleges and Employers indicate that only 19.7 percent of graduates who applied for jobs would be hired. Compare that to 2008, where 51 percent were hired. That is a 31.3 percent decrease in only a year’s time leaving many students and graduates discouraged to say the least.
Although Career Services has a lot to offer, then number of students who use the service is minimal.
“Eighty-five percent of students who use Career Services are more successful in finding and landing a job,” Magnusson said. “I do understand why students don’t utilize our services though. Students are very busy, with homework and trying to make ends meet. Overall I think students get distracted.”
Students somehow find their way there; Magnusson says, “When things are difficult, students are more engaged. Students are worried about finding a job so they come to Career Services for help.”
Although students are engaged in bettering their career futures many students in other universities are struggling to find jobs and they are getting desperate, even blaming their university. A recent graduate of Monroe College even went so far as to sue her Office of Career Advancement for not providing employment advice for over $70,000 of her past paid tuition.
Career Services sends approximately four to five emails with information about upcoming mock interviews, job recruiters and unfortunately some students don’t know what Career Services offers.
“I know where Career Services is, but I have never needed to go,” mechanical engineering major and sophomore, Brandon Love said.
Career Services has been able to offer students new programs and services.
UTSA’s online job bank allows students to upload their resume and search for recent job postings providing over 500 job postings a day. All the jobs posted on the Job Bank are also EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) screened.
The EEOC is a federal law that makes any discrimination against a job applicant or an employee illegal. If a student needs help with writing a professional resume, he or she can use new software that has been added to the career services account called Resume Wizard.
The software allows for students to upload the important information to be seen by prospective employers and the software creates the resume.
Going to Career Services also means students can have one-on-one time to discuss issues such as what should I do with my degree? Where do I look for a job? And even allows students to talk about graduate school.
The counselors at Career Services also want students to feel that they can come hoping to find the right tools to land their dream job.
“I once had a student come in here who said she wanted to find an internship designing her own golf clubs through Callaway.
“Although we did not have a direct connection through Callaway we were still able to get her that dream internship,” Magnuson said. “We know people want/need to be practical about choosing a career, but you don’t have to be cynical. Students should keep their dream job in mind. After all, dreams can still come true.”