What’s your definition of a woman who partakes in sexual activity at her own discretion? We live in a time where sex sells. It is widely accepted, especially through mainstream media but not surprisingly, derogatory slang pertaining to women is still being thrown around. I especially find it astounding that in an open-minded college setting, men continuously get high-fived for an “impressive” body count, but the moment a woman attempts to enjoy more than one sexual partner, a metaphorically shameful and scarlet ‘A’ is etched onto her reputation.
Double standard much?
That’s not even the worst part. Women can learn to embrace their curves and sexual desires and still have conversations like, ‘Wait, that dress is a little suggestive’ or ‘I mean, you did wear that skirt, what’d you expect them to do.’ Funny how a New-York-fashion-week-approved outfit can be okay’ed by society when Kylie Jenner wears it, but when a confident woman who isn’t a celebrity does, suddenly her entire life is scrutinized.
Yes society, I’m talking to you.
How dare we, as human beings in a time that accepts the innovative nature of fashion and sex, slut-shame a woman for how she decides to dress or who she chooses to sleep with. Villages that stoned women to death for making eye contact with men are long gone. Let’s be real here. What’s ‘in’ is ‘in’, so let’s drop the judgment about a woman’s virtue based on her decison to wear a denim skirt or a body-hugging top.
When labeling someone a ‘slut,’ you’re assuming a moral judgment. But the real moral question lies within every person’s individual perspective.
We all have different definitions of sex, intimacy and promiscuity. It isn’t safe to give someone else’s sex life a real thought. It isn’t safe because while your morals may be far-right, the person you’re judging could have far-left morals. Stop slut-shaming and ask yourself, ‘Is what she does with her body really any of my damn business?’ Then ask yourself how long you might cry in the shower when that metaphorical scarlet ‘A’ won’t wash off because you and your friends decided to judge what she does with her body.
Open your mind, lay off and get real.
Sex is one of the very few ingredients of life. Century after century has made sex desirable, unfathomable and completely frowned upon, but, truth is, everybody does it. And its nobody’s business but your own.
Slut, whore, tramp, skank, jezebel, skeezer, hoe, trick–these derogatory and brash labels must stop.
To my women with the metaphorical scarlet ‘A’ etched on their self-esteem for whatever reason, love yourself regardless of what you wear or who you hook up with.