As a new semester approaches, many students want to be involved in an organization or club to make their college career memorable.
One of UTSA’s newest organizations is the French club, “La Table Francaise.” The French Club was started in the spring semester of 2010 and has already caught many students’ eye, especially French majors, minors and students who have an interest in the French language.
“The purpose is to promote the French language and culture within UTSA and the community,” said Autumn Lansford, senior political science and French major. “Any student is welcome to join and no prior knowledge of French is necessary.”
The French club has at least two on-campus meetings and at least one off-campus social event per semester. Past activities have included socials at French restaurants, a French movie at the Coco Chocolate Lounge and Bistro and end-of-the-semester parties.
“I joined the club last year because I wanted to learn more about French culture from other students,” said Lansford. “I enjoy going to the club because it is a nice way to get to know your peers outside of a classroom, and learning things you might not have a chance to learn in a classroom.”
“We are a young club at UTSA, but I am proud of the variety in our membership which welcomes all undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty and staff members who have an interest in the French language,” said Lorena Angel, Director of the Social Affairs.
Angel’s duties as the social affairs director involve organizing social events that give members the opportunity to practice their French or give non-French speakers the chance to learn French from their peers.
In addition to social events listed above, some of the on-campus meetings have included geographical presentations on France and even lectures on how to use the Parisian metro system.
Like almost any organization on campus the French club also has a Facebook page where students can interact with each other in French or English, and a listing of all club meetings and socials.
One new exciting venture for the French club this semester will be their involvement with Mois de la Francophonie in March. Mois de la Francophonie is a French Cultures Festival started in the 70’s.
“This includes The French Film Festival and many other activities,” said UTSA French lecturer Catherine Picot. “Also, this will be the first time that San Antonio is participating in this celebration, which takes place all around the USA.”
While the club does have many things to offer to students, the main reason it was created was for students to find an outlet to continue speaking French.
“Any language which isn’t practiced is soon forgotten. So before it is too late, I hope you can give the French club a try,” Angel said.
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