UTSA’s Student Government Association (SGA) discussed budget reallocations during their General Assembly (GA) on Oct. 24.
Following SGA’s Leadership Summit and homecoming activities, SGA Chief Executive Assistant Kaitlyn Law presented a proposal for budget reallocations since some line item budgets were not completely used while others went over budget.
“Going into summit, we overspent in some areas, but we have a huge chunk of money that we are able to move around in this area, in these line items, so that we can zero them out, and then we can spread the leftover money to certain areas as well,” Law said.
Some of the proposed reallocations in Law’s budget presentation included moving funds to a new directors’ line item, $1,000 to an Academic Affairs line item, $1,000 to a Business Affairs line item and $1,000 to a Student Affairs line item as well as reallocating summit and homecoming funds.
College of Liberal and Fine Arts Senator Taylor Edwards also proposed to move $1,000 from the University Life Awards line item to the Judicial Branch’s elections line item.
Proposals for budget reallocations can be made at any time. A second reading of the budget reallocation proposals is set to be presented at the next GA on Nov. 7.