Cooking in the Time of COVID: Zupa Pomidorowa
November 10, 2020
Zupa Pomidorowa: Polish Tomato Soup with Egg Noodles
Serves: 4
Cook Time: 20 minutes
This recipe can be doubled
- 8 1/2 cups of chicken broth
- 24 ounces of tomato paste
- 4/5 cup of sour cream (optional)
- 1 cup of cooked egg pasta
- chopped parsley leaves
- salt and pepper (to taste)

- Cook the egg noodles according to the instructions on the package.
- Heat the chicken broth on medium heat, add the tomato paste and mix together.
- Pour 1/2 cup of the heated broth and paste mixture into a small bowl. Add the sour cream and mix with a fork until smooth. Add this creamy mixture back into the soup pot.
- Heat up for a few minutes over medium heat and season with salt and pepper.
- Serve in bowls with the egg noodles and chopped parsley leaves.
Where did this dish come from? Who was the first to make it? What was the original recipe? When was it made? As intriguing as these questions are,

much has been left unrecorded throughout the history of the dish that we know and love: tomato soup. For example, tomato soup does not have an official “birthdate”; however, there are some known facts that help paint a picture of this hearty dish’s origin.
Human beings are commonly believed to have started cooking and eating soup tens of thousands of years ago in a period shortly following the invention of clay pots and other waterproof containers. Tomatoes themselves, on the other hand, are native to South and Central America and were not brought to Europe until the 16th century. Although many Europeans originally believed that tomatoes were poisonous, this yummy fruit quickly made its way into several dishes and recipes across the continent after being deemed safe to eat.
Today, tomato soup is widely viewed as a comfort food in several North American and European cultures. The simple and highly adjustable recipe allows it to accommodate a wide variety of palates and preferences. Also, different places have their own takes on how to create tomato soup. For example, Polish tomato soup (also known as zupa pomidorowa or simply pomidorówka) is often served warm with rice or noodles. In nearby Spain, a tomato soup dish known as gazpacho is served cold and often incorporates other fresh vegetables besides tomatoes, almost opposite of the Polish method. Nonetheless, whatever way one might enjoy tomato soup, I hope this simple Polish recipe will serve you, your guests and all of your taste buds well. Smacznego, przyjaciele! (Enjoy your meals, friends!)