“Phi Kappa Phi will be headed by the faculty and administration in terms of major officer positions, but they will also have student vice president positions,” Jones said about the new honor society’s leadership. Students will be able to take part in leading the group, as well as meeting key members of the faculty, staff and administration.
When asked about gaining membership into Phi Beta Kappa, the honor society membership necessary for obtaining Tier One status, Jones commented, “Phi Beta Kappa is extremely selective and the great thing about Phi Kappa Phi is their roots are based in being at land-grant institutions. That’s where their history really comes from is reaching out to those large, public universities, as well as reaching out to all disciplines.
“Phi Kappa Phi has to host at least one signature event on campus each year. There have been initial discussions about them possibly hosting an ethics bowl at UTSA and possibly making that a university-wide supported event.”
“I think anything that can help out the Tier One status and is prestigious and is well-deserved here at UTSA,” Veronica Trevino, a senior biology major, said.