San Antonio, a city known for its rich history and landmarks, is also home to an iconic location on the West side of town. Opened in 1966, Del Bravo Record Shop is a family-owned store with a beautiful exterior and festive decor alongside endless racks of CDs, vinyl records and cassette tapes.
The history of this business starts with Salome Gutierrez, the father of Iva Gutierrez who runs the front of the shop nearly full-time, and his passion for creating and selling music. He founded the independent record shop and composed his own songs at the same time, working with Grammy winners and recording artists. His work has been passed down to the next generation and is still thriving for all to visit.
While Tejano music might be what Del Bravo originated with, they sell a variety of genres — including the latest pop and rap. With such a wide range of music filling the store, it is impossible to not find an appealing song or artist. A unique addition they have is an old-fashioned listening station where people can put on headphones and play different songs from their English or Spanish collections.
The look of the building stands out with its yellow and blue paint, and the inside is even more vibrant. Multi-colored banners and bright neon lights greet visitors’ eyes upon entering; the stereo plays at all times. Being treated like family is one of their biggest values, so expect to be greeted by and converse with their welcoming staff and family.
Del Bravo also hosts ‘meet-and-greets’ with popular and small artists, listening parties and holiday markets. They host and advertise on their Instagram, @delbravorecordshop. On there, followers can receive the latest updates for restocks or new releases on vinyl and any upcoming events they will be holding.
Located at 554 Historic, Old Hwy 90 W, San Antonio, TX 78237, Del Bravo Record Shop is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday and is closed on Sundays. When searching for new music for a collection, fun events with a welcoming community or to get a look at one of the oldest historic record shops in the state, visiting this little store is a must.