UTSA’s “Harlem Shake (UTSA Romo Edition)” has received over 500,000 hits since the video was uploaded to YouTube two weeks ago.
UTSA’s incarnation of the internet sensation was an achievement of both student participation and social media. The logistical amassing of hundreds of students (not to mention UTSA President Ricardo Romo) to dance in the “Harlem Shake” video is certainly an achievement on its own.
However, what does it say about a university who only comes together for a fleeting moment of internet fame? There are thousands of Harlem Shake videos on YouTube, and although UTSA’s is possibly the only one to feature a University president, it does very little to bring attention to anyone outside our University. We should be attempting to make inroads to other Texas communities, not simply proclaiming our perceived greatness to ourselves through an internet meme.
What does it say about us that our university president can join in making a video for the internet, but our students rarely come out to show support for our sports teams? When less than 5 percent of our student body votes in Student Government elections? Our students clearly don’t lack the means to come together as a community, but instead the motivation to do so.
Will we let ourselves be defined by a silly internet fad as we pursue tier-one status? Or is 500,000 views just the foundation from which we will build a more open and cohesive student culture?
Editorial: If we can come together to ‘harlem shake,’ why not for other events
February 26, 2013
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