The University of Texas System announced on March 18 that its universities are banned from sponsoring drag shows or hosting them in their facilities, a few weeks after the Texas A&M System’s board of regents approved a similar ban. The outlawing of drag shows on UT campuses is not only unnecessary, but it distracts from more pressing issues and has alarming implications for America’s future.
Drag is the art of “acting and dressing exaggeratedly as another gender, usually for entertainment — such as comedy, dancing and lip-syncing.” Drag Queens, in particular, often wear excessive amounts of clothing; they typically wear exaggerated makeup and striking clothing.
“If the board of regents needs to take further action to make this clear, we will do so,” UT System Board of Regents Chair Kevin Eltife stated on Tuesday, adding that this is a measure “to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and executive orders, including any restriction on the use of public funds.” Eltife declined to say what specific laws they were seeking to comply with — suggesting that politicians can simply outlaw anything, regardless of harm, without needing to back it up to the law.
In January, President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to ensure funds are not used to “promote gender ideology.” Later, Texas Governor Greg Abbott directed state agencies to reject the efforts of drag groups, which according to him, “distort commonsense notions of biological sex.” He later stated on X, “Drag shows are not welcome at Texas universities. Our focus is to educate the next generation, not indoctrinate them.”
Abbott is blinded by his bigotry and prejudice for a group purely because he does not understand the importance of gender nonconforming entertainment. These shows could broaden people’s horizons and are a good source of representation for the community. Nobody is being indoctrinated by drag shows on a college campus; this is a scenario drag opposers have made up in their minds to justify hate towards a minority group. Unfortunately, the Trump Administration is familiar with targeting minorities, especially regarding schools.
Abbott’s post on X was in response to a local student group at Texas A&M being denied the right to host a drag show on campus. The students claimed it was a violation of the First Amendment, which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” If this is not a violation of the student’s right to peaceably assemble or exercise their ability of free speech, then the lines have become blurred on what does and does not qualify for free speech.
The UT System has an issue with drag shows but allows schools such as UTSA to have people bombard others with explicit images of aborted foetuses under the guise of free speech. It is disappointing to see the UT System follow through with the ban of something so innocuous when there are much more pressing issues to deal with. Unfortunately, this is just another page in the story of America’s slow descent into fascism.