Daryl Smith/ The Paisano
Muay Thai Club
Goal: The Muay Thai Club develops fighting skills for the novice and experienced fighter.
Why: Some students want to train with fellow students without having to pay. Instead of attending private academies outside of campus and paying large monthly fees, the Muay Thai Club is located on campus and is free to all students.
Membership: The successful members in the club are those who are dedicated, not afraid to “take a punch” and consistently attend meetings. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Orange Studio at the Rec Center (2nd Floor). The meetings begin with either cardio or core exercises for a half hour. After that, we practice basic Muay Thai techniques such as punches, kicks, elbows, knees and clinches.
How to Contact: For information, find us at www.facebook.com/UtsaMuayThaiClub. For contact information and online membership visit https://utsa.collegiatelink.net/organization/utsamuaythai.
Game Development Group (GDG)
Goal: We want to provide students with opportunities and resources to learn how to produce their own games.
Why: Game development offers an interesting blend of creative and analytical techniques. Our members use a combination of both skills as a creative outlet.
Membership: We want students who are interested in programming and enjoy all facets of gaming development. We meet every Friday at 4:30 p.m. to build entire games from scratch or analyze and tweak game idea pitches.
How to contact: Please check us out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gamedevgroup, and join our organization at utsa.collegiatelink.net/organization/gdg
Bon A Tirer Printmaking Club (Bat)
Goal: We want to stimulate public appreciation and interest in printmaking art and create opportunities for UTSA’s art students to display their artwork locally and nationally.
Why: Printmaking was essential to communication before telephones and computers were available. It allows artists to multiply their artwork into original prints.
Membership: We invite all UTSA students into our organization! If you are interested in printmaking, our members are here to explain and demonstrate the various printmaking methods. During our meetings, we discuss our current and prospective club projects. We meet twice a month from noon until 1 p.m. in the Arts building, room 2.01.12. Our most current project is a dinosaur-themed coloring book that our club members have illustrated.
How to contact: For more info, email us at [email protected], or you can check our Facebook page: B.A.T. Printmaking Club at UTSA.
Japanese Club (JPN Club)
Goal: We would like to introduce UTSA students to the Japanese culture and language.
Why: We introduce students who want to learn about Japan and some of its culture and practices in a friendly environment. Who knows, maybe someday you will end up in Japan.
Membership: We welcome all students who are interested in Japanese language, culture and cuisine. We meet every other Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the MB 0.222. We play Japanese games, craft and talk about contemporary culture and Japanese slang.
How to contact: Find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JapaneseClubDesu