Two weeks ago UTSA hosted a San Antonio Mayoral debate at its main campus as a convenient way for students to see who they will be casting their vote for in May. The absence of students in attended however was noticeable as many seats were left empty despite the number of students who tweeted out beforehand #UTSADebate as well as #IAmTotallyGoing and #SeriouslyIamGoing. The low turn-out raised some doubts about the number of students who actually participate in voting. To combat this lack of interest UTSA has created an event to offer students the chance to win a Nintendo Wii U for voting in this upcoming election, an event dubbed #WiiVotedForU.
For the event, a single Wii U will be raffled to students who cast their vote for mayor in the election next month. To be entered into the raffle a student must be registered to vote, enjoy Nintendo products and present their UTSA student ID to receive a #WiiVotedForU raffle ticket.
Students have already began to show enormous interest in the event with more than 15,000 students registering to vote this week. In a poll conducted during registration 97 percent of students cited the Wii U as their reason for voting. The other 3 percent cited their importance as local stakeholders living in the city of San Antonio to play a part and help decide who will be chosen to run the city.
Mayoral candidates have taken notice of this increase as well with many changing their advertisements to target now interested student voters. New advertisements include candidates, playing a Wii U in a nursing home, playing in a competitive Mario Kart tournament with elementary students and new promises to use taxpayer funds for city-wide Wii U playing stations.
The single Wii U winner will be announced on Television immediately following the official announcement of the winning mayoral candidate. A post Wii U winner press conference will be held immediately following where the new mayor will present the Wii U to the winner and the winner can state his plans to for the console and what they will play in the coming years.
“This event shows a great sign for student progress,” Stated UTSA President Ricardo Romo in a recent speech. “It is important for the future that these young adults participate and attain a Wii U.” “I have one at home, and it’s awesome!”
Note: The #WiiVotedForYou Wii U giveaway is not in any way related to UTSA Libraries survey to enter for a chance to win a Wii U.