UTSA softball opened its official season over the weekend, going 5-0 in the UTSA Invitational at Roadrunner Field. This season is one to look forward to as the players and coaches have worked hard on their mentality with the hopes of producing a better outcome.
“I hope the vibe is Vanntastic. It’s got a lot of energy, exciting, relentless,” coach Vann Stuedeman said. “Our core values are relentless, competitive, united and passionate, so I hope that’s the vibe people can feel when they get out here and see us play.
“We spend a good time working on [mentality], and it continues. You can see that they are invested in one another, and they actually want the best for each other and ultimately the best for the team,” she added.
When Stuedeman took over as coach for the softball program ahead of the 2024 season, she focused on elevating the bond between her players. Her biggest goal for the players was to improve their mentality.
“It’s intentionality that we really worked on last year, to be intentional in our reps and to bring that mindset everyday and be consistent with it,” Stuedeman said.
Although the ‘Runners had a losing record last season, Stuedeman is optimistic about this season. She hopes to build off momentum garnered from last season and lead the team to a higher overall ranking in the American Athletic Conference.
Her work on the players’ mindset extends beyond the field and into their lives. Along with this, Stuedeman focuses on how the players can overcome problems that arise on and off the field.
“We work a lot on how you respond to setbacks or a tough part in your life, how we can support each other and be there for each other through it,” Stuedeman said. “There’s always going to be that. They’re going to prepare us and help us get through it as long as we look at it that way. If we look at it like it’s holding us back, then it will hold us back. So it’s all a mindset. We really work on the right mindset to handle the things that get thrown our way.”
Stuedeman uses the Roadrunner as a reference for the players and draws connections between them, referencing the fight and grittiness the Roadrunner displays and for the players to take that into their lives.
“Physically you’re gonna make an error. You’re gonna throw the ball away. You’re gonna swing at a ball and miss it. You’re gonna walk a hitter. You’re gonna do something physical,” she explained. “But mentally, can you fight through that, or can you respond to that and do that consistently?
“There are always hurdles to jump over and curveballs to hit. That’s part of the training, the mentality of being able to bounce back from those.”
Stuedeman’s work on the players’ mindset has shone through on the field over the weekend when the ‘Runners were behind in four of five games, but stormed back to win the games. The Roadrunners won the UTSA Invitational championship game, holding Weber State University scoreless in the process.
“They work hard and invest in each other, and I think the investment in each other is what is so fun to see,” Stuedeman said.