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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

The uncomfortable truth about self-love

The uncomfortable truth about self-love

Joanna Paje, Staff Writer November 2, 2021

Recently, the movement toward self-love and independence has skyrocketed on all platforms of social media. While this warms my heart and gives me hope for the future generations as a whole, I believe it...

Can we hack humans with psychology?

Can we hack humans with psychology?

Jessica McLaren, Staff Writer November 2, 2021

Have you ever wished that humans came with a cheat code that could guarantee success in all social endeavors? An algorithm capable of analyzing, comparing and predicting the behavior of others could help...

The ripple effects of childhood trauma

The ripple effects of childhood trauma

Amanda Sellers, Contributing Writer October 26, 2021

You hear those footsteps walking down the hallway. You can tell exactly whose they are. You know by the cadence that they walk; you know by the amount of pressure with which their foot goes down; you know...

Feminism is equal rights

Feminism is equal rights

Briah Ramos, Staff Writer October 26, 2021

Many women advocate for equal rights. Yet when asked if they are a feminist, some deny or hesitate to answer. Feminism has divisive connotations; some people refrain from identifying as a feminist due...

Finding joy in dystopian worlds

Finding joy in dystopian worlds

Laynie Clark, Assistant Arts & Life Editor October 26, 2021

Whenever I develop any sort of anxiety or distress, my immediate reaction is to turn to the false reality existent in books. But why? Taken out of context, the concept of reading fiction can seem like...

Support LGBTQ+ youth

Support LGBTQ+ youth

October 26, 2021

The writer of this piece chose to remain anonymous. As you may notice, I am writing to you as an anonymous author. A brief explanation for this is that I am a queer person who has not yet come out to...

First degree burnout

First degree burnout

Seva Hester, Staff Writer October 19, 2021

Burnout is real. Regardless of what anyone says, there is such a thing as doing too much at once. Going 500 miles an hour constantly, or the equivalent, isn’t healthy. But there are ways you can manage...

To ink or not to ink

To ink or not to ink

Laynie Clark, Assitant Arts & Life Editor October 19, 2021

Tattoos: you either love them or hate them, there is no in-between. The culture surrounding tattoos is one of the most diverse ones that I have ever been a part of. There are people that view tattoos as...

The endless scroll takes a toll

The endless scroll takes a toll

Gauri Raje, Assistant News Editor October 19, 2021

The addictive nature of social media is no secret. Anyone that uses social media is aware of the dangerous algorithms that social networking sites use to attract the attention of users. These algorithms...

Care, don't compare

Care, don’t compare

Briah Ramos, Staff Writer October 19, 2021

In our generation, we were not introduced to social media: we were born into it and inevitably, it generated a sense of comparison that has become second nature to us. On multiple social media platforms,...

Terms and conditions apply

Terms and conditions apply

Jessica McLaren, Staff Writer October 19, 2021

On Monday, Oct. 4, Facebook’s servers, and subsequently everything that relies on those servers, were down for a total of about six hours. If you are one of Facebook’s 2.8 billion worldwide users,...

Sports announcers and commentators have become biased, but is that really a bad thing?

Sports announcers and commentators have become biased, but is that really a bad thing?

Bella Nieto, News Editor October 19, 2021

Although objectivity is considered a staple value in journalism, the areas where it is needed the most are also the areas where it is becoming less and less visible. More specifically, sports commentators...

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