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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Lets Go Back To The Cul-de-sac

March 2, 2015

Property of Cartoon Network. All rights reserved. This week’s blog post is about that crazy cartoon that had you whistling one of the catchiest theme songs from an animated series...

#7: Ninja Gaiden

March 2, 2015

Property of Tecmo and Nintendo. All rights reserved. Ninjas. The only other pop culture icon more recognizable is Darth Vader (must be the black suit). Why do we love ninjas? Their...

Rock Across The Pond: Zodiac N’ Black

March 1, 2015

The Paisano This week's episode of Rock Across The Pond features Zodiac N' Black from the U.K. Their gritty sound is enough to compete with the rest of the hard rock scene now and...

Uncapping the lens behind ‘Humans of UTSA’

February 24, 2015

Marcus Connolly, The Paisano Perhaps many of you are familiar with “Humans of New York,” the photoblog featuring portraits and interviews of New York City residents, which began...

Guns in classrooms looming

February 24, 2015

Marcus Connolly, The Paisano Texas Legislature is pushing for concealed firearms in state colleges and universities as the Campus Carry bill passes the Senate’s panel. However, leaders...

DART, light rail and the future of public transportation at UTSA

February 24, 2015

Robert Pistocchi, The Paisano Last week, the UTSA Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research hosted the second in a series of lectures, Dialogues in Planning, which focused on...

UTSA’s emerging campus identity

Paisano1 February 24, 2015

The social media phenomenon known as “Humans of New York” has captivated audiences the world over. The trend across social media platforms focuses on anonymous individuals and their deeply personal...

The collegiate classroom

February 24, 2015

Hating class in high school was fun. You and all of your friends were forced to be there and were unified by acting apathetic and longing for the future. Now, we are in college. Not only...

Pursuing truth

February 24, 2015

We know to be wary of impossible advertisements such as weight loss pills. We are taught to be dubious of gaudy sources of information such as The National Inquirer and we are encouraged to...

Muslim students at UTSA respond to the death of three Muslim students in NC

February 24, 2015

The murder of Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha and Razan Abu-Salha, three young Muslims from North Carolina with promising futures, has shaken the Muslim community in the United States. What Craig Hicks...

I’ll just sit here

February 24, 2015

Christopher Breakell

Stick around for Sikh: Legend of the Punjab exhibit

February 24, 2015

Photo Courtesy of The Smithsonian Institution Ranked as the world’s fifth largest religion, Sikhism is an independent culture that has experienced discrimination and suspicion since...

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