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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

"Be Kind" sticker on window

Be kind, rewind: keep an open mind

Editorial Board and Natalie Hollenbeck October 18, 2018

Is it 2018 in general, or has this been building for decades? It’s clear during highly emotional times, like elections, what our society’s problem is: overzealous aggression. Aggressive behavior, and...

Courtesy of Creative Commons

Is this the end of Facebook?

Anish Rao April 3, 2018

You may have heard about Facebook ‘s shady business practices and malicious data handling in the news cycle recently. Facebook is an integral part of everyone’s life whether we want to admit or not;...

Graphics by Amber Chin/The Paisano

The anti-highlight reel

Katrina Clements February 14, 2018

Since its debut in 2010, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms today. Who you follow determines the kind of content you see, but the appeal of this platform from the user’s...

Courtesy of John McFadden

Manifestations from the black mirror

Devin De Leon January 31, 2018

John McFadden presents the art that lives in social media.   By combining his personal social media timeline, cell phone photography and online advertising amongst other sources, John Mcfadden...

Pepsi ad falls flat

Jessica Salinas April 11, 2017

Last week, Kendall Jenner single-handedly ended police brutality, racial violence and tensions with a can of Pepsi. The American fashion model and television personality was featured in a short-lived...

Graphic by Tristan Ipock

Does it go down in the DMs?

Samantha Ceballos February 1, 2017

Social media is great if you want to share a special moment or just to get a thought off your mind (and maybe cause a political debate). A strange trend has emerged that I had not experienced until recently:...

Graphic By: Tristan Ipock

Meme culture firmly integrated in society

Enrique Bonilla November 9, 2016

Memes need no introduction. A short walk in between classes can reveal how excited students are to talk about memes. “I have an entire folder of memes saved on my phone,” said sophomore Miranda...

Why is it "cute" to have a mental illness?

Why is it “cute” to have a mental illness?

paisano.online1 May 4, 2016

There is a current trend in pop culture that it is seen as enthralling/nonchalant/romantic to have a mental illness of some sort — namely depression and anxiety. I cannot log onto Twitter, Tumblr, or...

Over-connection to social media leads to disconnection in person

Over-connection to social media leads to disconnection in person

Editorial staff March 30, 2016

Studies show that the number of social media users ages 18-29 have grown over 1000 percent in the last eight years. This drastic shift in our    technology-filled   world has caused a rift in the lives...

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