Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

An artist’s perspective


Mikki Pasadaba

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Education Level: Sophomore, BFA

Social Media Platform: IG @mik_dab


During my studies in UTSA as a BFA student, I have received momentous instruction given to me by very influential and helpful instructors. In addition to this, being surrounded by a wonderful art community and student body, my passions as a growing artist have increased, along with my aspiration to share a connection among individuals through art. I believe that art is a significant platform, in which people are able to connect with one another and share their thoughts and experiences in relation to the piece. Several messages can be conveyed through art, and the viewer’s mind is allowed to conceptualize and appreciate these certain themes and even emotions. Because of this,I try to convey the different qualities/perceptions of our humanity within most of my artwork. My intention with art is to establish this connection between people and be able to share with them an artwork that carries a meaningful idea and understanding about society and us as individuals.


Malia Gomez


My name is Malia Gomez and I’m getting my BFA in drawing. I’m still exploring myself as an artist but am primarily interested in incorporating anatomy as well as the figure in my work. I experiment a lot and am kind of all over the place with all of the artwork that I share! I share everything on my Instagram page @maliagomez and repost on my Facebook just to get myself out there and get some feedback. I use hashtags to reach out further beyond my friend zone and get recognized by other people in the arts!


Jetty Crittenden


My name is Jetty Crittenden and I’m a nineteen year old Freshman at UTSA majoring in Actuarial Science. The objective of my work has still yet to define itself completely, but it’s always been centered around portraiture and women. For the most part, my work has focused on manipulating the presentation of the women and faces I paint in order to establish different themes and undertones to the viewer. Even in its most subtle ways (image 1), I try to set a certain mood with each peace that the audience can identify with. My influences vary, but for sure one of my biggest ones is Gustav Klimt and Alphonse Mucha. Right now, I’m headed in a direction basing my influences on early Christian art, dabbling in triptychs and medieval design. This influence is both aesthetically based and conceptually based, as I reference early medieval art to imply certain modern ‘holy’ and ‘sacred’ themes in my work. As of now, I’m working on developing these ideas and teaching classes at Michael’s


contact: [email protected]

@bad.filters (instagram)


Adrian Herrera


My name is Adrian Herrera. I’m still pretty young, I’m only 18 years old, technically I’m still just starting out. With each piece of art I create, I’m still just in the stage of experimentation with different styles and materials trying to figure out what really speaks to me and how I want to get my message to the viewer. I do feel like I’m pretty close though, some of my favorite platforms that I’m looking forward to dive into in the near future include print media such as zines or poster designs and also sculpture. I’ve also started to notice that a common recurring theme in my work deals with a broad spectrum of human interaction with their environment, i.e., other humans, nature, technology, inner turmoil, etc. This Fall of 2016, I’ll be attending Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, WA and I’ll be studying fine arts art with a specialization in photography and graphic design. More of my work can be found on my website, (yes, “Adrian” but without the “r”) and most of my social media profiles are under @adianherrera


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