Dean of students LT Robinson emphasizes education over punishment when it comes to COVID safety guideline violations
A sign in the Student Union encourages wearing face masks on campus. Dean of Students LT Robinson said violations of safety violations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
October 2, 2020
In a recent interview with The Paisano, Dean of Students LT Robinson did not lay out a clear path of punishment for students who do not follow the safety guidelines for gatherings provided by the Public Health Taskforce report.
“It is the responsibility of our entire university community—including students, faculty, staff and visitors—to do their part to keep our campus community safe,” Robinson said. “Educating our community about the importance of following these practices has been key to the
success of our public health initiative.”
The guidelines for gatherings include wearing masks when in common areas, social distancing of six feet and not having gatherings of more than 10 people.
“Our focus is on raising awareness of the university’s public health guidelines and their
importance,” Robinson said.
In regard to punishment to those who do not adhere to these guidelines, Robinson said they will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
With only 14 total confirmed COVID-19 cases among students, faculty and staff and three students currently in on-campus housing isolation, these guidelines and information seem to be working and encouraging the UTSA community to stay safe. UTSA is also at a Level 3 recovery level, meaning there is mostly virtual learning and limited on-campus activity, which also has an impact on the low-level infection rate in the campus community.
If students see others violating these guidelines, Robinson said they are encouraged to use the Ask, Offer, Leave and Report method.
“When individuals are uncomfortable about following this method, we encourage them to report their concerns to the appropriate campus unit: Student Conduct and Community Standards
(student violations), Student Activities (student organization violations), employee’s manager (faculty/staff violations), Compliance Office (all other violations),” Robinson said.
Students can also use the compliance hotline to report violations.