UTSA announces fan attendance for spring athletics
Roadrunner Field sits empty before a softball game on Mar. 26. It will remain this way for the duration of both the baseball and softball seasons due to COVID protocols.
March 3, 2021
UTSA will be running 12 sports seasons during the spring semester after the NCAA postponed multiple fall seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Though attendance may be limited for fans and students, there are opportunities to stay up to date on Roadrunner sports. Campus athletics facilities have adhered to UTSA COVID-19 guidelines and prevention measures to allow for an action-packed semester of athletics.
The 2021 baseball and softball seasons have thrown the first pitches of the season. Fan attendance at Roadrunner Field is not open to the public this season. Each team is allowed guests to attend the games, but only if their names are on an approved guest list. To gain entrance into the field, students must be on the guest list from one of the home or visiting teams.
With the conclusion of the UTSA basketball seasons, fans and students should be aware of the Convocation Center COVID-19 prevention guidelines. UTSA volleyball has taken over the court and began their season with a strong start. Fan attendance is limited to 15% in the Convocation Center for the volleyball season. The concession stands will be open and serving prepackaged food by cash payments. The student section has been moved to the upper level of the arena and both home and visitor fans will be seated on the visitor side of the court.
Fans are required to wear face masks for the entirety of the sporting event. Social distancing protocols are in place to ensure the safety of the teams and those in attendance. Sanitizing stations have been provided to limit the spread of the pandemic and other illnesses.
With the spring schedule in full swing, fans can expect to see baseball, softball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, track & field and golf seasons underway. Announcements for other facilities on campus have not been released at this time.