Is not changing anything, to fix something, the way of the old and supposedly wise?
This letter is in regards to the article about San Antonio’s drunk driving problem.
First off, I’d like to give my condolences. What a shame such a young officer’s life was taken abruptly. It is also a shame that San Antonio officials thought it was right to close its busiest intersection on a Monday, during rush hour. Everyone was returning from spring break, making it impossible to get to UTSA. Whose brilliant idea was that?
Probably the same person who decided to extend the “no refusal” law to every weekend would stop the drunk driving.
Now, I’m only a mere 18 years old, I, surely cannot be as smart as the members of Congress who, I learned in politics, are older than the majority of citizens? It is then so discouraging to me that I know this law will not change a damn thing, and some 50-60 year old guy who gets to make these laws thinks it will. I am also positive this law will only lead to more ticket writing and paperwork on the frustrated cop’s end, and more pissed off drivers (still drunk) in the streets. And you read it yourselves! One out of 12 people knowingly and admittedly drive after drinking. The only solution to this horrendous problem is to take driving out of the equation entirely.
And having a university in a big, street-filled city, and making it a dry campus is the stupidest idea that has come from a group of collegiate people. You can almost blame them for the new-to-drinking students cause. You force us to drive off campus to get wasted and then drive back to campus to pass out. Do you see the common factor in this silly equation? It is the driving!
So give the students (21 years of age, of course) a safe, walking-distance away, place to get drunk so they can stumble back home and put no one else in danger. Gee, if a college student can figure this one out, city officials shouldn’t be so surprised when the public opinion on them is terrible.
So, good luck with this new law; it must have taken lots of thinking to decide this was the best course of action. Let’s just hope another officer of the ‘law’ does not have to die before members of congress, city council, or whoever take some real action to abolish pointless laws, and write new ones that bring some good change to the public.