As February unfolds, the San Antonio and UTSA communities are ablaze with cultural richness and artistic expression as Black History Month is celebrated throughout the city. The communities have banded together to cultivate events to commemorate the progress made and progress to come.
“Delita Martin: Her Temple of Everyday Familiars, A Retrospective”
Running from Jan. 26 to March 22, world-renowned printmaker Delita Martin’s work is being displayed at the UTSA Southwest Campus. Martin is famously known for her representation of Black women through complex portraits. The gallery is open Thursdays through Saturdays from 12 to 5 p.m.
History and Heritage on the ITC Exhibit Floor
The UTSA Institute of Texan Cultures has preserved space on the ITC exhibit floor to honor African American Texan stories. Through an interactive digital component, the exhibit aims to open up modern-day dialogue about Black and multi-racial heritage in San Antonio. The exhibit floor is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays through Sundays.
Honoring Black Feminists General Meeting
On Feb. 20, the UTSA student organization Womxn in Leadership will be hosting a public discussion in the McKinney Humanities building. At the meeting, attendees will discuss everything from anti-racism to queer rights. In hopes of providing a safe space for all, the discussion’s goal is to have productive conversations and build meaningful connections.
P.F. Roberts Texas Historical Marker Dedication
In partnership with Frost Bank, UTSA will be hosting its signature event at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 22. Located at 610 Indianola Street, the event will honor P.F. Roberts and San Antonio’s rich cultural heritage. P.F. Roberts was a civil rights leader and business owner, so the event serves as a dedication to his work and the historical marker left in his remembrance.
As the vibrant tapestry of Black History Month spreads across San Antonio, it is evident that this celebration goes beyond a mere acknowledgment of the past — it is a dynamic and ongoing dialogue that resonates within the community. For more information regarding these events, visit