The 2014 Primary Elections will determine who will run on Democrat and Republican tickets for state wide and county elections. Early voting will take place Feb. 28 and polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The official date to vote is March 4. UTSA students who registered to vote with an on-campus address can vote at the John Igo Public Library off of Hausman Road. The following graphic details candidates at the federal, state and local level. A sample ballot with judicial elections can be found at the Bexar County Elections Department website. Candidates can be found arranged from Democrat to Republican with prominent details listed for each. Outcomes of the 2014 primaries will determine which candidates proceed to the midterm elections in November. The race for governor is expected to be particularly influential — current governor Rick Perry will not be returning to office. Media attention has centered around Attorney General Greg Abbott and Senator Wendy Davis as the most competitive gubernatorial candidates.
The UTSA Student Government Association and MOVE (Mobilize, Organize, Vote, Empower) will be sponsoring shuttles to take students from the convocation center to the John Igo Public Library from 7-8 p.m. to early vote. An on-campus voting location will be available only for the midterm elections in November.
As a result of Senate Bill 14, voters are now required to present a photo ID in order to vote in all Texas elections. Valid forms of photo ID include Texas driver licens- es, Texas election identification certificates, Texas personal ID cards, concealed handgun licenses, U.S. military IDs, citizenship certificates and passports. Student IDs cannot be used. This graphic was intended to provide key information for candidates and is not an official endorsement on behalf of The Paisano Independent Student Newspaper.