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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

House progressively getting smaller

A simple life

Kaylee Boggan September 12, 2018

A look into how minimizing our material possesions can make a big change. Many people believe that they need material things such as money, a huge house and a fancy car to be happy–that is not so for...

Courtesy of Alamo City Furry Invasion (ACFI).

Furry, for real

Brandon Armstead January 18, 2018

Local furries provide insight to their fursonas.   Everyone has a hobby they enjoy. For some, it may be a physical hobby such as soccer or something more sedentary such as video games. Maybe...

Graphic by Tristan Ipock

Suits or sweats – a college student’s dilemma

Diego Montoya February 1, 2017

Do you know what the biggest struggle for college students is? Getting out of bed on a Monday morning to start a busy day filled with assignments, lectures, and exams. Despite the fact we already have...

MNLM: The case for a minimalistic lifestyle

Ethan Pham January 18, 2017

Unsurprisingly, we live in a consumer-driven society with a rapid cyclic need to constantly upgrade. A lifestyle like this is something I believe to be unhealthy. I distinctly remember moments when I...

Don’t sweat it

March 2, 2015

Let’s face it: working out isn’t always as self-explanatory as it seems. Those seeking logical advice often find themselves swimming through a perilous ocean of fitness myths and legends. Be at...

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