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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

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Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Paisano

Mental health information and resources

Mental health information and resources

Faith Kouadio, Staff Writer May 27, 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Over 60% of college students met the criteria for at least one mental health problem — an increase of almost 50% in ten years. Several efforts to increase awareness...

The Wellness 360 clinic, located in the Recreation Center, offers students a wide variety of healthcare services.

New platform gives students 24/7 virtual mental health care

Jessica McLaren, News Editor August 29, 2023

UTSA launched a partnership with TimelyCare to provide virtual mental health and well-being services at no cost to students. The platform can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere in the U.S. through the TimelyCare...

Tragic tales of young talent

Tragic tales of young talent

Nate Henneke, Staff Writer February 21, 2023

Music is art, pure and beautiful. It never takes and always gives. Behind all art is a brilliant artist honing their craft with every beat, stroke and design. The idea of tortured artists is not...

Wellbeing Services at UTSA helping to make a difference for students

Wellbeing Services at UTSA helping to make a difference for students

Isabella McGovern, Staff Writer April 26, 2022

The priority for services regarding mental health for college students has grown since the pandemic. According to a 2021 Healthy Minds Network Study, rates of college students experiencing anxiety and...

Misogyny in Medicine

Misogyny in Medicine

Alex Fotschky, Contributing Writer April 19, 2022

Gender bias has long affected the medical field. As a result, women's concerns are downplayed or completely disregarded, with misdiagnosis being a frequent occurrence. Inclusivity and diversity in the...

Students Helping Students fosters safe space for mental health discourse

Students Helping Students fosters safe space for mental health discourse

Isabella McGovern, Assistant Magazine Editor April 5, 2022

Students Helping Students is a student-run mental health organization that focuses on providing a safe environment for students to share their feelings and experiences while helping each other grow, feel...

Living as the observer in Mike Mills’ ‘C’mon C’mon’

Living as the observer in Mike Mills’ ‘C’mon C’mon’

Mason Hickok, Web Editor January 17, 2022

Sitting down at one of my favorite local theaters on a Friday night, I did not expect that I would utterly fall in love with the film I would be watching. In his latest film, “C’mon C’mon,” Mike...

Normalize taking mental health days

Normalize taking mental health days

Courtney Montalvo, Contributing Writer November 9, 2021

Our society has opened the conversation about mental health. We have been normalizing that it’s okay to not be okay long enough that mental health days are becoming a prevalent topic in both the professional...

Students express mixed opinions about the efficacy of social media

Students express mixed opinions about the efficacy of social media

Gauri Raje, Assistant News Editor October 26, 2021

The 21st century is often referred to as the age of social media. College students in particular are a demographic whose daily lives are greatly affected by social media.  Overall, UTSA students expressed...

Paisano Poll: Social Media

Kaitlyn Rosas, Multimedia Editor October 26, 2021

Today the Paisano interviews students to ask their thoughts and opinions regarding the use of social media. Let see what the student have to say about social medias impact on productivity, mental health...

Who we were then and who we are now

Jessica McLaren, Staff Writer September 28, 2021

I can vividly remember sitting in my dorm on campus with my best friend and then-roommate in March of 2020, halfway through the second semester of our freshman year of college. It was the week before spring...

A message in a bottle

A message in a bottle

Sofia Garcia, Editor-in-Chief September 21, 2021

I started taking antidepressants during my freshman year of college. I felt trapped inside my head and ridiculed by my own conscience. Now a senior, I am unapologetically open about my relationship with...

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