Spring 2023 registration begins for priority groups
Students can reach out to OneStep, located in the JPL, for questions regarding registration.
October 31, 2022
Registration for Spring 2023 started on Monday, Oct. 31, for priority groups including eligible veterans, honors college and business honors students, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps students and Alternative Certification Programs teacher certification students. Undergraduates who applied for Spring graduation by Oct. 15 can register on Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Over the next couple of weeks, registration will open for various categories of students starting with graduate students on Nov. 2. This will be followed by registration for seniors, post-baccalaureate students and online-only programs, juniors, sophomores and freshmen. Initial registration windows for freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors are based on credit hours earned.
Open registration for all students will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 16, and continue until Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. Any students that miss their classification-specific window will be able to register for classes during this time.
All students are encouraged to prepare for registration ahead of time and also ensure that they are aware of their registration window as well as holds and prerequisites which can be found on ASAP.
In order to plan out classes in advance, students can use the Class Schedule tool, which lists detailed information about classes being offered in Spring 2023 including the duration of classes, CRN numbers, etc. Students can also make use of the Schedule Planner tool in ASAP to plan out their schedule and ensure the timing of classes does not clash.
Students are instructed to log into their ASAP accounts to register for classes on their specified registration date.
Along with registration, all undergraduate students who plan to apply for Spring 2023 graduation must do so by Tuesday, Nov. 15. Students are recommended to start applying for graduation after their DegreeWorks progress has reached 80%. Undergraduates who have multiple majors, minors or concentrations are required to apply using a paper application that can be found on the Office of Registrar’s website. The deadline for Master’s and Doctoral students is Feb. 15, 2023.