Cook. Eat. Write. Repeat: Mexican Style Flan by Axa Soria

Marcela Montufar Soria, Assistant Multimedia Editor

Recipe by Axa Soria (UTSA Honors College Student)

For the flan:
* 5 eggs
* 1 can (12oz) evaporated milk
* 1 can (14oz) condensed milk
* 1 tablespoon vanilla
* ½ cup sugar
For the caramel:
* 1 cup sugar
* 2 tablespoons water
Place the 1 cup of sugar and the 2 tablespoons of water in a pot over medium heat and continue mixing with a whisk until it all comes together.
Cook until the caramel turns a golden color and have patience in doing it since this step could take a while.
Once it is the correct color pour it into the mold you will be using for the flan and carefully move it around for it to spread. Make sure to continue spreading it until the caramel cools then let it sit until cool and hardened.
Preheat the oven to 350 °F and then begin the mixture for the flan by mixing it all in the blender. First Add the eggs and blend just for a few seconds. Then add the evaporated milk and mix. Add the condensed milk and mix. And finally add in the vanilla, and sugar and continue mixing until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Then carefully strain and pour the mixture into the mold that caramelized. Prepare a larger container for a Bain-marie then add the flan in the container to bake for 45 minutes. (A Bain-Marie is placing a mold into a larger container with water and baking it like that.
Check for doneness using a skewer stick or thin knife. If it’s clean it means it’s ready. When taking it out of the oven do so carefully and let it cool completely, then flip it onto a plate and refrigerate until serving time.

Footage courtesy of Axa Soria
Video Editor-Marcela Montufar Soria
Multimedia Editor- Kaitlyn Rosas
Assistant Multimedia Editor- Marcela Montufar Soria
Assistant Multimedia Editor- William Barnes